Woman sitting with her brown dog at the beach enjoying the summer sun

Finding the Dog that Fits Your Family Part 1

Part 1

Thinking of getting a dog? That’s great! Dogs add so much to our lives. They also add a lot of work and stress if you don’t get a dog that fits your lifestyle and family needs. Finding the dog that fits your family is really important both for your family and the dog’s quality of life. Don’t think of it as finding a dog that fits your needs but finding a dog whose needs your family can fulfill. After all, you are the one making the big decision.

Since finding the dog that fits your family is so important, we have created a two posts that will help you make the best decision!

Know Your Breeds

  • Choosing the right breed can mean a lot of research and even some ‘fieldwork.’ If you do not have experience with a particular breed you are interested in, take the time to learn and visit with potential breeds.
  • When researching, making sure to search for problems associated with this breed. These could be medical or behavioral problems. You may be okay with the risk, but it’s better to not be surprised when it happens.
  • Go to a dog park and watch how certain breeds behave and talk to the owners for their opinions.

Energy Levels

  • One of the biggest issues with dogs is that many breeds need more exercise than their owners can give them on a regular basis.
  • Lack of activity for high-energy dogs leads to behavior problems. The responsibility is on the owner to fulfill their commitment to the dog.

Finding the dog that fits your family means doing your research to find a breed whose energy level matches that of your family. Making the right decision will give your family to the opportunity to experience all the benefits that having a dog brings.

How did you go about finding the right dog for your family? We’d love to hear about your process in the comments below!

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